Schedule a Home Inspection

State-Line Inspections, LLC is proud to provide home inspection services to the Greater Charlotte Area, from North Carolina and into South Carolina. If you have any questions about State-Line Inspections, LLC or would like to schedule your next home inspection, then feel free to reach out by phone at 704-228-6890, by email at [email protected], or directly online.

    I am a Home Buyer/Seller
    I am a Real-Estate Agent

    Contact Information

    Name (required)

    Email (If Requested By Realtor, Use Realtor's Email) (required)

    Phone Number

    I Will Attend The Inspection

    Real-Estate Agent's Information

    Agents's Name:

    Agent's Phone Number

    Agent's Email

    Inspection Information

    Inspection Date Requested:

    Inspection Address:

    Inspection City, State, Zip Code:

    Property Information

    MLS Number (if available):

    Estimated Size of the Home (Sq. Ft.):

    Estimated Age of the Home (years):

    House Type (Slab, Basement, or Crawl-Space?):

    Additional Information:



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